And for you, sir?
Often guys know something is not quite right with their outfit but don't know how to fix it! So whether you are after business attire, smart casual clothes or something a little more sporty call or email me and I will sort the rest. I can tell you the best colours for your clothing, edit your wardrobe or just start with shopping for you. This could just be your next best career step.
Personal Shopping
Are you tired of sifting through endless shops and still coming out empty-handed? Do you want a wardrobe that fits your unique style, but don't have the time or know-how to make it happen? Look no further! My personal shopping service is perfect for those who want to make a change NOW. I'll scout out the best styles for you, whether it be clothes, shoes, accessories, or sunglasses. I don't waste your time or money I prefer to maximize both to give you the tools to look your best.